My Journey

Throughout my journey I’ve experienced many people questioning why I eat the way I do, why do I take so many supplements, am I going to be able to maintain this lifestyle forever, why would I ever drink bone broth or stop eating white bread?
The answer: It’s what works for me.
From Day 1 I’ve been intrigued with healing naturally using food and supplements as my medicine. I mean, I had proof on a stool test in 2017 that I had a parasite and I never took an antibiotic (don’t worry, I retested and it’s gone).
But the questions do get me thinking, what type of impact am I having on my family? My kids? My friends? My community? How can I continue to have a good balance in life? How am I going to maintain a good grasp on my health while facing the realization that I am still going to be involved in parties with pizza, ice cream, and cookies for the rest of my life? How can I incorporate a wholesome and nutritious diet for my girls, while also letting them be kids?
The answer: The 80/20 rule.
If you have done any research about nutrition, diets, weight loss or flexible dieting then you probably have heard the 80/20 rule. The concept is simple: Eat nutritious and wholesome foods 80% of the time and indulge a little the other 20%. We explain this rule in our nutritional guides, too. For many of us though we really need to be closer to 90/10 (including myself).

So my plan for me and my family will be to focus on eating whole, organic foods 80-90% of the time. We generally like to plan out when we are going to eat the 10-20%. For example, if we know we are going to dinner to celebrate a family member’s birthday we will make sure to plan our week around that. Another example: We love ice cream so often we will eat a small bowl on Sunday evenings so on the days leading up to Sunday, I will make sure I stick to my 90%.
It’s really pretty simple now. Do I do it perfectly? No. Will it work for everyone? Maybe not. Would this work for someone that has a goal to be in a fitness competition? No. But, does this lifestyle seem to be working pretty well for us? It sure does.
What about you? Have you ever heard of the 80/20 rule? If not, I’d love to chat more with you about your specific nutrition goals and would be honored to help walk alongside you in your journey.